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This is the first shooting assignment for my Digital Photography 1 students each semester.

Capture ten different letters of the alphabet by photographing objects, lines, shapes, etc. Do not photograph literal letters, such as an “S” on a stop sign.

1. Gain familiarity with shooting manual exposure mode while using the camera histogram to obtain proper exposure

2. Capture ordinary objects as extraordinary

3. Create photographs with good composition

4. Take sharply focused images
© Kelvin Rodriguez© JeanneMarie Potthast© Lara Wallace© Leah Haskell© Tony DeWitt (35mm film)© Brooke Meister© Natalie Clark© David Boehm© Lauryn Camacho© Alayna Wyatt (35mm film)© Hannah Nelson© Maxwell Bradshaw© Elizabeth Kaari© Lexi Kilmartin (35mm film)© Daniel Hubbard© John Bishop© Cash Bodenhamer© Madalynn Gill© John Barrett© Eva Carbonell